Geneva students develop important skills of intellectual agility, discernment, and oral and written communication essential to quality performance in their future career. A Geneva education challenges students to engage Christ’s calling on their lives in the household, community, church and workplace.
A Geneva education prioritizes Biblical literacy, intellectual agility and practical wisdom. Your support of tomorrow’s leaders advances discernment and truth to today’s marketplace.
Revenue from tuition, room and board covers only 88% of the annual cost to operate Geneva College. The donor-supported Geneva Fund covers the priority expenses not paid by students, including library resources, faculty salaries and maintaining the campus and utilities. Capital costs and growing the endowment must come completely from external sources like alumni, friends and foundations.
Your support enables Geneva to continue raising the caliber of its programs and recruiting talented new students. If you are a graduate of Geneva College, your gift will help improve Geneva’s ranking and reputation, thereby increasing the value of your degree!
Alumni participation rates affect the openness of foundations to consider grant requests. Regardless of the size of alumni gifts, grant writers want to know that alumni recognize the value of a Geneva education by supporting it financially. Your support can help Geneva obtain even larger gifts and grants.
Through your gift to Geneva, you are able to promote your personal passion. You can give toward an area scholarship or a specific cause like music, library resources or athletics.
The history of philanthropy goes back to medieval universities in Europe and Britain. A Biblically-grounded education contributes to effective and healthy families, workplaces and communities. Today’s alumni and friends have the opportunity to carry on this important tradition.
Giving can recall what we, or someone we know, received through their Geneva education, nurturing gratitude for the knowledge, maturity and relationships gained during the college years.
You can enable others to experience the same benefits you received as a student at Geneva. And, students attest to the value of the support they receive from alumni in pursuit of their educational goals.
Many corporations match the charitable giving of their employees. With a matching gift, donors can multiply their contribution to Geneva.
Explore the many ways that you can help provide solid Christian education to the hearts and minds of the next generation.
Ways to Give