21 Ways To Give - Geneva College Foundation
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21 Ways To Give


1. Gifts of Cash

You can deduct cash gifts up to 50 percent of adjusted gross income. On a $10,000 cash gift in a 28 percent tax bracket, you save $2,800 in taxes.

Give Online

Our secure,   online donation page  makes giving easy. Choose the giving option that works best for you, designate the amount you′d like to give by credit card, and click to submit.

Check By Mail

Please make checks payable to Geneva College Foundation, and send to:
Geneva College Foundation
3200 College Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010

Automated Monthly Giving – EFT or Credit Card

Set up a convenient and easy way to give monthly either by credit card or by direct debit from a checking or savings account. 

Click below to fill out the Automated Monthly Giving Agreement:


Email the completed form to laura.furtado@genevacollegefoundation.org, or send via mail to the Foundation.

Geneva College Foundation

3200 College Ave
Beaver Falls PA 15010

If you would like more information about monthly giving, e-mail Laura Furtado, Director of Donor Services & Research, or call her at 724.847.6525.

Endowed Gifts/Scholarships

When you provide an endowment, you give a permanent fund or source of income to the Geneva community.  Your donation will keep on giving for generations to come.

Cash or stock that is contributed to the endowment is invested as principal, with the annual income used for the purpose the donor has designated. A minimum gift of $25,000 is required to establish an endowed fund, although gifts of any size may be designated for a current endowed fund.

For more information, please contact the office at 724.847.6514.

Faculty and Staff Giving

Geneva employees are able to give back through payroll deduction. To sign up, please visit Human Resources for the appropriate form or contact the Foundation at 724.847.6514.

2. Multiple-Year Cash Pledge

You can deduct cash pledged over a period of years, up to 50 percent of adjusted gross income for the portion given each year. On a $30,000 cash gift over three years ($10,000 each year) in a 28 percent tax bracket, you save $2,800 in taxes each year.

3. Appreciated Stock

Appreciated stock (held more than one year) makes an excellent gift. You will receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities, and eliminate any capital gains assessments on the future sale of securities. In some cases that could be as much as 23.8% in addition to a savings on State income tax. Excess contributions may be carried forward for up to five subsequent tax years.

Gift of Securities

If your portfolio includes appreciated securities, you may find it advantageous to use these assets to make a gift to the Geneva College Foundation. If you donate to the Foundation appreciated securities that you have owned for more than one year, your charitable contribution will be based on the full market value of your gift and you will completely avoid federal capital gains tax on the transfer.

If you would like to make a gift of securities to Geneva College Foundation please let us know below. Upon submission of the form you will receive a follow up email with the stock transfer instructions you can provide to your broker. Or contact Laura Furtado, Director of Donor Services at 724.847.6525 or laura.furtado@genevacollegefoundation.org to let her know so we can steward your gift appropriately. 

Give a Gift of Stock

4. Bonds, Mutual Funds

Bonds and mutual funds are similar to cash in their tax treatment in most cases. State, Municipal, and U.S. Government Bonds are welcome. Bonds left in your estate to the Geneva College Foundation will incur no federal estate tax.

5. Giving through a Donor-Advised Fund

6. P.O.D. Provisions on CD's, Savings AccounTs, Brokerage Accounts, Retirement Accounts, Checking Accounts

The P.O.D. stands for Payable on Death. You retain full ownership and full control during your lifetime. At your death, the account balance is paid to the Geneva College Foundation immediately and without any probate costs.

7. Gift Annuity - One or Two Lives (Irrevocable)

In exchange for a gift of cash, stock or securities, the Geneva College Foundation will pay you (and your survivor, if two-life, or another person you name) a guaranteed income for life based on your age(s). You receive a substantial tax deduction in the year of the gift with a five-year carry forward for any excess, and part of the annual income is tax-free. Upon your death(s), the gift remainder supports the Geneva College Foundation.

8. Defferred Gift Annuity (Irrevocable)

Similar to a gift annuity except that payments begin at a future date determined by you – your retirement, for example. Your income tax deduction and annual rate of return increase the longer you wait to start payments. An excellent retirement planning vehicle.

9. Charitable Remainder Trust (Irrevocable) (Annuity and Unitrusts)

Donors can select the rate of return from these income arrangements and also choose a fixed or fluctuating annual payment. Capital gains taxes are completely avoided on appreciated assets and you will receive a tax deduction based on the age of the income recipient and the rate of return.

10. Charitable Lead Trust

In a charitable lead trust, assets (cash or securities) are transferred to a trust that makes annual payments from the trust fund to the Geneva College Foundation for a predetermined number of years. At the end of the trust term, the trust terminates and the assets are transferred back to family or a dynasty trust for family. The income tax deduction you receive is for payments made annually to the organization.

11. Bequest Through Will

One of the simplest giving methods is to give from your estate. You can make a bequest gift, after others have been provided for, of a dollar amount, specific property, a percentage of the estate, or what is left (remainder) to the Geneva College Foundation. Some people adopt the Foundation as one of their children and allocate a portion of their estate to further our mission.

12. Gift of Existing Life Insurance

A simple way to make a significant future gift is to name the Geneva College Foundation as a beneficiary to receive all, or a portion, of the proceeds of an existing life insurance policy. The policy will revert to the Geneva College Foundation at your death and your estate will receive an estate tax charitable deduction for the value of the policy transferred to the Geneva College Foundation. If you make an irrevocable transfer of the ownership of a policy on your life to the Geneva College Foundation while you are alive, you will receive an income tax deduction
for the value of the gift.

13. Purchase a new Life Insurance Policy naming the Geneva College Foundation as the owner and beneficiary

You receive an income tax deduction for each premium as made and provide a major gift to the
organization with a modest annual payment.

14. Retirement Accounts

Retirement Account Funds (IRAs or company plans) beyond the comfortable support of yourself or loved ones may be donated (similar to life insurance proceeds) to the Geneva College Foundation with a proper beneficiary designation. These assets could be highly taxable to your beneficiaries.

15. Tangible Personal Property

Gifts of personal property are always welcome, including collections, royalty, and mineral rights. Charitable tax deductions are available in the year of the gift. These gifts are subject to approval by the the Geneva College Foundation Gift Acceptance Committee of the Board. Please contact the staff at the Geneva College Foundation so that we can help you determine whether a specific gift of Tangible Personal Property will likely be for related or unrelated use. For gifts of artwork in the hands of the artist who created it, deduction is for cost basis only.

16. Outright Gift of Real Estate

One of the most overlooked gift forms is real estate. We will be happy to discuss the possible gift of land, a house, or vacation home. You will receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value, as well as avoiding all capital gains taxes. These gifts are subject to approval by the Geneva College Foundation Gift Acceptance Committee of the Board.

17. Real Estate with Life Tenancy (A.K.A. Charitible Life Estate)

Receive a substantial income tax deduction by giving (deeding) your home or farm to the Geneva College Foundation. You continue to live there, maintain the property as usual, and even receive any income it generates. At your death, the Foundation will sell your property to support the mission. These gifts are subject to approval by the Geneva College Foundation Gift Acceptance Committee of the Board. A maintenance, insurance, and tax agreement usually accompanies a life estate gift.

18. In-Kind Gifts

Gifts of goods or services are accepted by the Geneva College Foundation with prior approval by the Geneva College Foundation Gift Acceptance Committee of the Board. Ordinarily these gifts will be credited toward the campaign at their full market values (determined by appraisal provided by the donor or other appropriate valuation techniques).

19. Commodities

By contributing commodities (wheat, corn, cattle, etc.) to the Geneva College Foundation, you are benefiting students with the full cash value of your donation.

20. Employer Matching Gifts

Many employers have matching gift programs that will match any charitable contribution made by their employees and, in some cases, their retirees. These programs can increase the size of your gift to the Geneva College Foundation. Find out if your company has a matching gift policy.

21. Cryptocurrency

Donate cryptocurrency from your crypto wallet through every.org. Every.org accepts gifts of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or USD Coin and automatically converts it to USD. To donate a different coin worth over $5,000, email crypto@every.org for directions. Once converted the cash is transferred to Geneva College Foundation and immediately used to help support the students at Geneva College.

Donate Crypto